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Who Are We?

We believe that humanity should be benevolent caretakers of our only home, Earth. While on this planet, we want to minimize the harm and impact we have on the natural world and towards other humans. 

Over the last few years, we’ve been on a journey of awareness and transformation. We’ve learned how our lifestyle affects others and have been slowly making changes to what we buy and how we live.

We put a lot of time and research into choosing a set of companies and products we support, but as we learn more, sometimes our standards change or there are ingredients we weren’t aware of that cause harm to our planet. We’re building a community here to share our research with you, other like-minded folks that want to reduce their impact and support vendors/products that are cruelty-free, sustainable and follow ethical practices. We want an open dialogue on how to reduce our impact on the planet.

Here's some of humanity's impacts on the world that concern us and that we want to do something about:

  • Anthropogenic Climate Change / Global Warming
  • Habitat loss and Extinction
  • Animal Slavery and Cruelty
  • Deforestation
  • Slave and Child Labor
  • Pollution

Who's Behind the Big Green Heart Movement?

Big Green Heart Movement

First and foremost, YOU are the foundation of this Big Green Heart Movement! 

Our movement only grows with your involvement. We encourage you to share your thoughts and constructive criticism so that we can continue to move forward together.

Scott McGee

Scott McGee

Nature Explorer

Scott is the geek, who loves both computers and the wilderness. He's an award winning nature photographer (Under Pressure Photography) who believes Climate Change is the single biggest threat to human civilization.

Carolita - aka CrtrGrl

Carolita (CrtrGrl) McGee

Crtr Explorer

Carolita, aka CrtrGrl, grew up bonding with animals in the forest. She feels great empathy for all living creatures and is fighting to end animal slavery.

Scott & Carolita